
Community Building


Comfort Zone

Most people understand this term these days. This explains how we think about it in the context of our work.
Categories: Community Building, Deeply Rooted Equity, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity



These are the "rules" or "ways of being" that we've amassed over almost three decades of working with groups. They will serve you well.
Categories: About Common Ground, Change Management, Community Building, Contemporary Leadership, Deeply Rooted Equity, Training & Facilitation


How I Communicate

A simple workshop activity for helping people better understand their own (and others) communications preferences.
Categories: Community Building, Human Resources, Management, Public Speaking, Storytelling, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity, Working With Young People, Youth Development


Know Your Audience

If you're designing a workshop or giving a speech, knowing your audience is critical. This checklist will help.
Categories: Advocacy, Community Building, Contemporary Leadership, Fundraising & Development, Public Speaking, Storytelling, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity, Working With Young People



One of the most powerful activities we do in our workshops is one of sharing lifestories. This will help you understand the process.
Categories: Community Building, Contemporary Leadership, Deeply Rooted Equity, Public Speaking, Storytelling, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity


Stakeholder Map

This template is designed to help you map stakeholders for your organization or advocacy or fundraising effort.
Categories: Advocacy, Community Building, Deeply Rooted Equity, Fundraising & Development, Institutional Strengthening, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity


Tips for Working with Adults

If you have young people and adults working together, check out these tips for working with adults (and download the "Tips for Working with Youth" as well).
Categories: Capacity Building, Community Building, Healthy Organizations, Institutional Strengthening, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity, Working With Young People, Youth Development, Youth Engagement


Tips for Working with Young People

If you have young people and adults working together, check out these tips for working with youth (and download the "Tips for Working with Adults" as well).
Categories: Capacity Building, Community Building, Healthy Organizations, Institutional Strengthening, Training & Facilitation, Training Activity, Working With Young People, Youth Development, Youth Engagement


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